Please Print, Sign and return this Statement of Faith and fill out & submit the email form below:
Chicago Christian Homeschool Educators of Midway Statement of Faith
If you are interested in joining our group you must be currently home schooling and participate in at least 3 meetings a year. Please read our statement of faith. A request to join our group is an agreement. A request to join the group will be seen as an agreement with our statement of faith. We also invite all those joining for the first time to meet with us for dessert.
- We believe the Bible is the infallible, supreme word of God, the final authority in all aspects of life.
- We believe there is one God which has existed eternally as Father, Son (Jesus Christ), Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atoning and substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension and bodily return, deity and return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe man was created good and perfect, in the image of God but became imperfect by disobedience to God. This disobedience or sin separated man from God. As a result the need for salvation that can only come from a saving , personal, faith in the death of God’s son, Jesus Christ, was created. The death of God’s son paid the price for those who believe in His son Jesus Christ.
- We believe salvation is a gift from God, given by grace and received by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
- We believe the Holy Spirit convicts men of there sin and is given to those who become children of God as a help by teaching, guiding, empowering and dwelling in believers for the glory of God and for his service all the days of our lives.
- We believe in the unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ. Denominational differences should not separate Christian home educators.
- We believe the family is the basic unit of society that was created by God to educate and train children for life.
- We believe the family consists of one male and one female united in marriage or a single parent with children.
Signed: ______________________________________________________________